Carbon Removal Jobs #1: pick of 10 jobs, introducing the newsletter & new carbon removal reporting platform

The Carbon Removal Jobs Newsletter

The Carbon Removal Jobs Newsletter

Hello! Thank you for subscribing to the Carbon Removal Jobs Newsletter. My name is Adam. I founded Carbon Removal Jobs to tackle one of the biggest constraints holding back an industry in desperate need of scaling - talent. 

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In this newsletter, you’ll find some of the latest jobs found by Carbon Removal Jobs as well as:

  • News from the industry

  • Opportunities to help others in the CDR community 

  • The best resources for job-seekers

  • A highlight of one project/achievement/person pushing the industry forward

Feedback? What works and what doesn’t in the newsletter? Is there anything you’d like to see next time? Any parts you skipped over? Have suggestions for improving any of the content sections? Please reply to this email!

Now onto the good stuff...

10 jobs removing carbon 💼

In each edition we will pick out 10 of the 100+ jobs that are added to Carbon Removal Jobs between issues. Find all open roles on the site or catch every new role on our Twitter.


Helping the Carbon Removal community 🎁

Our mission is catalysing talent into the CDR industry. However, not all talent gaps make sense for formal job adverts on Carbon Removal Jobs. This section is dedicated to shouting out some practical requests for help in this nascent industry. If you have a request you'd like featured here, reach out on Airminers, LinkedIn or Twitter.

Use your SEO chops to help Carbon Removal Jobs

I need your help! Niche jobs boards need to have good SEO. Those considering new roles in Carbon Removal should always find our site on the first page of their browser. So far, SEO has not been optimised at all as I don’t have any experience in this particular area! If you have literally any understanding of SEO, please reply to this email. I’d love to hear any tips and/or have a chat.

Want to invest in carbontech?

4WARD.VC’s Climate Syndicate is looking expand its strategic pool of accredited investor industry experts with deep domain knowledge & networks in various carbon capture technologies (as well as battery tech, EV charging and energy storage, biopolymers, advanced materials and manufacturing, biotech, food & ag and circular economy) If that’s you and you’re an accredited/qualified investor, reach out to [email protected] and you can talk over the several startups they’re looking at investing in and get your thoughts on the technology.

Apply to AirMiners Launchpad - carbon removal accelerator

AirMiners Launchpad is accepting applications for our sixth AirMiners Launchpad batchto support early-stage carbon removal startups with partners XPRIZE and Creative Destruction Lab. Previous batches of teams enjoyed the Launchpad guidance as they take flight, learning about (and from) each other in the process. It's been a blast working with each of the teams, with many award-winning and funded companies among our alumni.


Staying updated on carbontech 📰

Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) passes 

The U.S. has passed the largest federal climate deal in its history with the IRA. Thankfully, the budding carbon removal hasn’t been left behind. As Carbon180’s breakdown explains asdjustments to the 45Q tax credit could unlock billions of dollars more in funding for carbontech projects, especially Direct Air Capture (DAC) companies.

Basic CDR policy missing amongst EU states

In contrast to exciting developments in the U.S., EcoLogic has released a troubling report detailing the current policy environment for carbon dioxide removals in Europe. It finds that no EU member state has a dedicated strategy for CDRs. A reminder that if the carbon removal industry is going to reach the scale the world requires, a lot more work needs to be done in the policy area.

Frontier’s Advance Market Commitment seeks Fall purchases

By far the biggest capital commitment ($925 billion!) for the CDR industry, Frontier, has issued a Request for Proposals for their Autumn 2022 purchase cycle. Frontier is led by Stripe, Alphabet, Shopify, Meta, and McKinsey Sustainability. Pre-application deadlines have already passed. If you want to know the CDR unicorns of tomorrow, pay attention. Carbon Herald, as per usual, offers a great breakdown.


Giving CDR projects their flowers 💐

The budding carbon removal industry is attracting many incredible, bright, and dedicated people. This is a section to highlight a project/person/achievement that deserves praise for helping humanity reach multi-gigatonne scale removals.

One of the most important issues for the carbon removal industry to resolve is an agreed-upon standard of what it means to actually remove a tonne of carbon from the atmosphere. There are a plethora of different standards, methodologies, and monitoring, reporting & verification (MRV) approaches. For buyers or sellers entering the market, carbon removal can often feel overwhelming and ultimately untrustworthy. What’s the point of paying for durable, permanent carbon removal services if an inconsistency is diluting confidence in that removal? As Peter Reinhardt (Charm Industrial CEO) recently said, in the voluntary carbon removal marketplace, MRV is the product. 

That’s why it is so exciting to see the recent launch of - a new carbon removal reporting platform. The platform standardizes data from public sources and private reporting to be an independent "registry of registries" for the market. Originally based on previous work by Robert Höglund (a google sheet of CDR purchases), the databases’s expansion into is the work of  Chris Nixon, Filippo Varini and Kevin Niparko. is set to become one of the most reliable sources of information for everyone involved in carbon removal and especially for stakeholders and decision-makers who need reliable numbers to set funding and resources into motion. Visit the platform here and follow them on twitter here.


Top resources for job-seekers

A running list of resources that we have found helpful for finding a career in carbon removal. Reply to this email if you have any further suggestions.

  • Airminers Community - Slack community of founders, scientists, investors working on mining carbon from the air. 

  • Airminers Boot-up - Brilliant way to get learned on CDR. Join a cohort and form a reading group that takes you through the basics of the industry.

  • Work on Climate - Slack community dedicated to helping those find a job in climate (plus events and more)

  • - App for all things work in climate related. Includes university style courses, networking opportunities and more.

  • Open Air Collective - Crack-team of activists working to advance the CDR industry. The best place to get involved in a carbon removal project today.

  • Carbon Curve substack - High quality, in-depth interviews and takes from the industry. Na’im also regularly shouts out job opportunities he finds.

  • Climatebase - A job board for the climate industry as a whole as well as offering a fellowship and other career-boosting services. Sometimes difficult to find carbon removal jobs. 
